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Working Groups

Working Groups

Research Working Group

The purpose of the National LIP Secretariat Research Working Group (NLS-RWG) to develop and build a community of practice that facilitates research and data analysis expertise of LIPs including research-oriented collaborations and innovative approaches, supports access to data, and disseminates best practices and resources. 

The Working Group consists of LIP staff from 19 Local Immigration Partnerships.  Currently 21 LIP staff are members of this working group. Membership is open to all LIP staff and limited to LIP staff only.  The group strives to achieve diversity by encouraging the participation of staff from smaller and newer LIPs from across Canada. The working group is led by two co-chairs who are selected by its members for a term of two years. The co-chairs will alternate leading the meetings and setting the agenda in consultation with members. The working group meets bi-monthly on the third Thursday of alternative months.

The Working Group Membership is open for newer LIP voices at any point. They are expected to commit at least one year of continuous participation. 

Working Group

Anti-racism Working Group

The objective of the National LIP Anti-Racist Working Group (NLS-ARWG) is to offer a centralized national-level anti-racism resource hub to advance equity and social justice and create welcoming communities. The Working Group seeks to contribute to the development of anti-racist tools and resources that can be adapted to meet LIPs individual needs, as well as offering support to develop capacity around doing anti-racist work within their municipalities and communities. The NLS-ARWG acknowledges that it is part of a broader history of organization and efforts against anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, anti-Muslim, antisemitism and other forms of racism in the settlement sector, non-for-profit and the broader Canadian society. Within the context of Canada, these efforts have been historically led by Black and Indigenous communities. Our aim is to honour these endeavors and building on them.

The National LIP Secretariat Anti-racism Working Group has been tasked with making recommendations, developing toolkits and self-assessment tools and compiling meaningful anti-racist resources. Our membership is open to all LIPs and currently our group has members from various LIPs, including Toronto South LIP, Calgary LIP, Lloymindster LIP, Surrey LIP, South Okanagan LIP, Greater Moncton LIP, Kingston IP, Gray Bruce LIP, IP Saskatoon and Vernon LIP.  The NLS-ARWG is accountable to and will report to the Executive Committee members of the NLS.

This virtual space is designed to help us connect across the land that we are currently calling Canada. Our members are standing on different parts of this land that many Indigenous peoples have been taking care of for millennia before settlers arrived. We acknowledge the injustices that have been committed in the past and the harms that continue. We are committed to learning, sharing knowledge, and working towards a just future through building respectful relationships between established or recent settlers and the first nations of what we now call Canada. For learning more about native land: