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Murray Sinclair stood for truth, justice to the end (2024)

If all had gone according to his grandmother’s plan, Murray Sinclair, the Anishinaabe jurist who did as much as any figure in the country’s history to right the troubled relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples, would have been a Catholic priest. Instead, Mr. Sinclair dedicated himself to law and justice, charting a collision course with some of Canada’s most sacred institutions, including his grandmother’s church, which was shaken to its Vatican foundations by the Sinclair-led Truth and Reconciliation Commission, completed in 2015.

This virtual space is designed to help us connect across the land that we are currently calling Canada. Our members are standing on different parts of this land that many Indigenous peoples have been taking care of for millennia before settlers arrived. We acknowledge the injustices that have been committed in the past and the harms that continue. We are committed to learning, sharing knowledge, and working towards a just future through building respectful relationships between established or recent settlers and the first nations of what we now call Canada. For learning more about native land: