Canadian Muslim Women’s Experiences of Employment Barriers and Facilitators (2024)
In 2004, Daood Hamdani collaborated with CCMW to examine the employment outcomes of Canadian Muslim women and found these women to be overqualified yet underemployed at higher rates than the general Canadian population. Twenty years later, (how) have things changed? Are employment disparities still confronting Canadian Muslim women? Findings of the current study indicate that Canadian Muslim women remain under- and unemployed at significantly higher rates than the general Canadian population. Canadian Muslim women are less likely to report being employed, working full-time, and holding senior or middle management positions compared with the general Canadian population. Conversely, they are more likely to report working part-time and being unemployed while looking for work. To help uncover why these rates persist, several sociodemographic indicators are examined in the ways they create barriers and/or facilitators to Canadian Muslim women’s employment.